Sunday, September 25, 2011

Memories From Childhood, Part V

The Princess Bride (1987)

This movie is (apart from Monty Python & the Holy Grail) one of the most quoted/quotable movies of all time. I love this movie, and NO it's not a chick flick! There's something for both men and women, so everyone enjoys it. Bought the book as well, and it was just as good as the movie, if not better. Humor was very close to Douglas Adams' in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy". You need to see this movie.

..."Anybody want a peanut?"  =D

Harvest Moon GB (1997)

You might think that this game is stupid or girly, but hey, I enjoyed it. So there. Harvest Moon is a farm sim game that kicks the pants off of FarmVille. Fun game to dink around on, but not one I would play for long periods of time. Honestly, it's better for younger kids anyway.

Bill Nye the Science Guy (1993-1998)

I learned a lot from this show. I wish it was still on the air, but alas, it is not. I still get the seasons song stuck in my head from time to time. Sunrise, sunset...

The Swiss Family Robinson- Johann David Wyss

I read this book in junior high, I believe. Really liked it- it's one of my favorite Classics. Yeah, it's not technically a classic, but I consider it as one. The Disney live-action movie wasn't that great, but I enjoyed both as a kid. Definitely a recommended read.


  1. Oh, I love the movie Princess Bride! So glad you added it to this list!

    "Aaaaas yyyoooou wiiiiiiiish!"

  2. "My name is Inigo Montoya. You kill my father. Prepare to die!!!" LOL.
    Your best cousin: Pam

  3. Bill Nye the Science Guy was awesome!
