Thursday, January 10, 2013

Print Books vs. E-Books/Readers

I'd like to think that both print books and e-books can coexist happily with each other. Publishing companies will still be able to sell either medium, so there shouldn't be much- if any- price fluctuations, lay offs, or bankruptcies. This just means that we as consumers have the option to read either a paper bound novel or an e-book, or both! I think that it really depends on your preference and/or your lifestyle. I personally prefer reading print books- I love the smell, the feel, and the giant library, but if I led a more active lifestyle where I would be traveling a lot and on the go, an e-reader would be more advantageous. I think that the medium of the books doesn't matter as long as we still have easy access to the information- especially to the younger generation. I'm all for video games, movies, and TV- they're great, but I see more time spent on these mediums these days rather than reading. To be perfectly honest; I think this is causing the younger generations to become less intelligent, which is really sad.

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