Sunday, April 10, 2011

Thoughts on Fantasy

As you’ve probably guessed by now, I am really into the fantasy genre- movies, books, games- you name it. I know that everyone has their opinions, and not everyone enjoys fantasy and its sub-genres, but here are some reasons why I love it so much.

For starters, the possibilities in fantasy are endless. Although the majority of fantasy stories are set in a medieval alternate-world (which isn’t necessarily bad, just monotonous) there is still abundant ways to personalize, expand upon, or change the setting or story to something remarkable. The range of possibilities in setting could be anywhere between historical to almost sci-fi, and in some cases (like Star Wars or historical fiction), they mix. By using your imagination, you can create your own world where anything can happen. I know that sounds kind of cheesy, but where else can you do that, other than Fantasy and Science Fiction?

Secondly, reading is a way to escape your daily life and relax for once. I’ve found that even though I enjoy a lot of activities (like video games, movies, baseball, etc.); I can relax so much more by listening to some music and/or reading a good book. Fantasy used to be stigmatized as “escapist”- as if that was a bad thing. Yes, a fantasy novel takes you to another world, but is it so bad to escape somewhere else for a couple hours away from your normal busy life? I agree that running from your problems is not the best way to solve them, but is reading running? I think it is more of a pause button than an escape.

Fantasy also gets stigmatized by conservatives (especially Christians). I can see where they get their opinions, since I’m a Christian as well, but I think their fears are skewed. For example, Harry Potter is deemed “demonic” and involves “witchcraft”. Just because a story involves magic doesn’t mean it is evil. What do you think that people in Jesus’ time thought of his miracles? They also say that fantasy, video games, and things like D&D will drive people to do horrible things, etc. Yes there have been cases where weak-minded individuals couldn’t differentiate between the real and the fake, but do you really think that everyone is like that? I think that there is nothing wrong with fantasy as long as it is not a direct attack or perversion on one’s beliefs. I can make the difference between a story and real life. Just because I watched The Lord of the Rings doesn’t mean I’m going to dress in armor and go on a killing spree at school with an axe or something.

Lastly, I believe that Fantasy is a great mirror for our own lives, but in a different setting. Fantasy authors find that they can deal with tough issues in their books more easily than simply talking to someone about it. These books show the best and the worst life has to offer, and tells us that we can and will conquer anything that is thrown at us. It is never easy, but we can be the hero too. It may sound kind of far-fetched, but we can learn from fantasy- and not just vocabulary.

While I may not be eloquent or crystal clear in my explanations, but I hope you got the point. I’d love to talk with you about fantasy sometime, as it’s one of my favorite things to experience.

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