Thursday, August 18, 2011

Memories From Childhood, Part IV

Warriors of Virtue- 1997

While I realize that this movie is incredibly bad, at this age (I was 9 at the time), your sense of taste and what's "awesome!" aren't fully developed. This movie is basically about a kid who gets transported to this fantasy land and fights off an 'evil' warlord with five kangaroos who can use kung fu. I still like this movie for its nostalgia factor, but that's about it. The only famous person (to my knowledge) in this movie- not that it matters- is Angus Macfadyen. Doesn't sound familiar? Well, maybe you'd remember him as Robert the Bruce in Braveheart. They made a sequel to this movie (Warriors of Virtue: Return to Tao) in 2005, which was even worse.

Golden Sun- 2001

I LOVE this game! Even though it was a handheld title, it is one of my favorite (true) RPG games. This game, and even it's sequels, were amazing! Though I don't particularly care for turn-based combat, it didn't really get all that repetitive like most turn-based games are. If you haven't played it, go do so! No excuses, they have emulators for it!

Doug- 1991-1994
Doug was the a cool show at the time, and for the most part still is, though it's not on TV anymore (I think). And yes, the air dates posted above are not incorrect, for Doug only aired on Nickolodeon for 4 years, then Disney bought it and ruined the show.

Calvin & Hobbes- Bill Watterson
Calvin & Hobbes is by far my favorite comic of all time. Now-a-days I read a few web comics (Order of the Stick, Looking For Group, & Multiplex to name a few), but Calvin & Hobbes has always been and always be my #1. It's funny, it's intelligent, and people of all ages can connect to it at one level or another. Kids like Calvin; adults can relate to Calvin's parents or the babysitter; & smart-alecs like myself like Hobbes. If you haven't read any of Calvin & Hobbes, I really sincerely suggest that you do.

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