Friday, October 21, 2011

Elder Scrolls Q&A #4

The final countd- ...I mean, questionnaire! :)

76. Have you found the two hidden Lord of the Rings references yet?
77. Do you blog about The Elder Scrolls?
78. Have you ever had contact with someone from the Elder Scrolls team?
No, but I wish
79. Complete the sentence: Todd Howard is …?
A friggin' genius
80. Why you actually started playing The Elder Scrolls.
It looked cool
81. Complete the sentence: TES would be nothing without …?
Complete customization
82. What did you do with that map of Cyrodiil that was included in the package?
Put it up on my wall
83. Do you use UESPWiki?
Every once & a while
84. Would it be cool if you could connect Skyrim with Oblivion so you could just go from Cyrodiil to Skyrim and take all your items with you?
Heck yeah!
85. Scariest moment.
Umm, none. TES wasn't that scary to me. If you want to be scared, go play Bioshock
86. Your “opinion” on TES newbies? Would you help them?
Help them, and make sure they make less stupid decisions
87. Should there be something like TESOnline?
Eh, I don't know. MMO's tend to ruin things for me
88. Frostcrag Spire, Battlehorn Castle, the Thieves Den or Deepscorn Hollow?
Depends on the character...Mage= Frostcrag, Fighter= Battlehorn, Thief= Thieves Den, & Assassin= Deepscorn
89. Am I the only one who always wondered why it’s totally okay for your character to run around in the Jerall mountains without any clothes?
90. How did you feel when you heard TES V will take place in Skyrim?
I was really really excited! I was hoping for either Skyrim or Valenwood.
93. Does the Grey Fox exist? Or the Thieves Guild? ;)
94. Character(s) in TES you’d marry?
I have no idea, I usually don't think about that kind of thing when I play
95. Are you the only one of your friends who plays The Elder Scrolls?
I know only of two other people who play it. Others might, but they don't talk about it.

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