Sunday, October 9, 2011

Elder Scrolls Q&A Part 1

So to keep myself from going insane until The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim comes out, I thought I'd answer a few questions about the games. Haven't really done anything on my blog in a while anyway. Enjoy! ...or not. I decided that instead of posting 10 posts of 10 questions each, I'd just post 4 with 25 questions each. To make it a little easier to read, I put all of my answers in red.

1. First time you played an Elder Scrolls game.
Around 2000 or 2001 Had never heard of the game before, but I'm glad I picked it up.
2. When you got into The Elder Scrolls.
Junior High, although it might have been 6th grade
3. First Elder Scrolls game you knew.
4. Your favorite Elder Scrolls game.
5. Current amount of saves.
5 on the PC version and 4 on the Xbox360
6. Favorite platform to play The Elder Scrolls on.
7. Favorite race.
8. Least favorite race. (racism?)
Imperials. Not because of "racism", but because they're useless in terms of race abilities- at least for the way I play
9. First skill you became a Master in.
10. Skill you don’t get at all.
11. Favorite school of Magic.
Destruction, hands down.
12. Least favorite school of Magic.
Conjuration...never caught my interest. Hopefully Skyrim will change that.
13. What you do first after starting a new game.
Get a full set of armor and a better weapon. In Oblivion, I always explore Vilverin first.
14. Favorite province.
Bruma...or Cheydinhal. Can't decide.
15. Where should The Elder Scrolls VI take place?
Elsweyr or Valenwood!! High Rock would be interesting plot-wise as well...hmmm
16. Last time you’ve played an Elder Scrolls game.
Yesterday night :)
17. Favorite city.
18. Least favorite city.
19. Complete the sentence: If I could have a pet, it would be …?
A wolf or mountain lion
20. Favorite Daedric Prince.
Sheogorath. I mean, come on, who doesn't like cheese?
21. Favorite Daedra quest.
In terms of loot, Nocturnal or Clavicus Vile, but for enjoyment of quest, probably Sheogorath or Mephala
22. Favorite NPC.
Baurus and Gogron gro-Bolmog
23. Least favorite NPC.
Adoring Fan and Glarthir
24. Worst Oblivion Gate.
Any with the multiple tower gates
25. Favorite guild / brotherhood.
Dark Brotherhood

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